The evaporated Body
The body evaporated 0
En The body evaporated Wearable SuperNow a través de sensores de captura de datos de movimiento, transforma el cuerpo del publico en un pincel y les permite crear composiciones visuales, moviéndose libremente en el espacio. Las proyecciones muestran a fuera lo que ocurre a dentro del cuerpo, trasformando el espacio en el espejo de lo que estamos hechos.
The body evaporated 1
The body evaporated 1 is an immersive audio visual interactive installation by Paola Tognazzi. It’s composed of 2 interactive projections and wearable superNow.
The projection at the left, is interactive to the sound frequency. The audience can control the appearance and movement of the characters through sound. The soundtrack including texts by Paola Tognazzi and songs by David Mata aka Erissoma and Dragoide is modulated by the energy of the movements of the public, wearing Wearable_SuperNow. At the same time the audience, with their movements create the live drawings of the projections in the front. While they move they control and interact with both spaces. By the nature of this design the 2 projections interact together and the visitor is immersed in a complete audio visual experience.
Concept and System Design by Paola Tognazzi
Programming by Paola Tognazzi and Enrique Esteban
Music of the installation by David Mata aka Erissoma
Thanks to Massimo Avvisati, Edu, MediaMap Madrid and IAM Gallery.